At HBOT Revolution, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Our curated database of studies highlights the diverse applications of HBOT, ranging from improving brain metabolism and treating cerebral palsy to addressing autoimmune inflammation and neurological recovery. While some of the studies on our website date back over 20 years, they continue to provide foundational insights into the mechanisms and efficacy of HBOT. As new research emerges, we are dedicated to updating this section to reflect the latest advancements in the field.
Whether you are exploring HBOT for its anti-inflammatory properties, neuroprotective benefits, or potential for enhancing recovery in conditions like cerebral palsy or stroke, this resource offers scientifically backed information to support your journey. Explore how HBOT is transforming health outcomes and discover how ongoing research continues to expand its applications.
Visit us often to stay informed about the newest studies and evidence in HBOT's revolutionary impact on wellness and recovery.
Bhutani S, Vishwanath G. "Hyperbaric oxygen and wound healing." Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2012;45(2):316–324. doi:10.4103/0970-0358.101309. Link:
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Efrati S, Golan H, Bechor Y, et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can diminish fibromyalgia syndrome–prospective clinical trial." PLoS One. 2015;10(5). Published 2015 May 26. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127012.
Hadanny A, Bechor Y, Catalogna M, et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can induce neuroplasticity and significant clinical improvement in patients suffering from fibromyalgia with a history of childhood sexual abuse–randomized controlled trial." Frontiers in Psychology. 2018;9:2495. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02495.
Efrati S, Hadanny A, Daphna-Tekoah S, et al. "Recovery of repressed memories in fibromyalgia patients managed with hyperbaric oxygen–case series presentation and suggested bio-psycho-social mechanism." Frontiers in Psychology. 2018;9:848. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00848.
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Bhutani S, Vishwanath G. "Hyperbaric oxygen and wound healing." Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2012;45(2):316–324. doi:10.4103/0970-0358.101309. Link:
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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) represents an advanced, evidence-backed treatment modality that can significantly enhance the service offerings in your practice.
For those on the cutting edge of wellness, embracing biohacking practices and the pursuit of optimal health, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) offers a scientifically grounded and potent modality to consider. Incorporating HBOT into your biohacking regimen can elevate your health optimization strategies and unlock new wellness potential.
Being non-invasive and having extensive support for its effectiveness, HBOT is an appealing addition for any health-focused individual.
We have revolutionized the wellness field with our pioneering approach to hyperbaric therapy. From our earliest days, our commitment has been to deliver exceptionally safe, high-quality, and conveniently portable hyperbaric chambers to physicians, elite athletes, wellness centers, and families.
Our chambers empower users with the ability to self-administer treatment, ushering in a new era of hyperbaric technology.
We've thoughtfully designed our portable range to offer not just simplicity and convenience, but also the best value for your investment. These cost-effective chambers provide impactful therapy that has benefited hundreds of thousands of people globally.
You're investing in a product that combines affordability with top-tier therapeutic technology.
Welcome to HBOT Planet, your trusted partner for state-of-the-art Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) chambers designed to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.
Nuestro primer objetivo es ayudarlo a aliviar su dolor e incomodidad lo antes posible.
Our chambers are the preferred choice for an increasing number of doctors, elite athletes, and households for their recovery needs. Our confidence stems from our commitment to ensuring each chamber we distribute achieves the industry's top safety ratings.
Customer Support
El cuidado ayuda en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de los niños . Lo cual promueve un mejor crecimiento, reduce la hiperactividad y mejora la concentración.
HBOT is a medical treatment where a person breathes in 100% oxygen in a chamber with increased atmospheric pressure. The enhanced pressure allows more oxygen to reach the cells and tissues in the body, promoting healing and fighting infections.
Under increased pressure within an HBOT chamber, oxygen is more readily absorbed into the bloodstream, body fluids, and tissues. This enhanced oxygen absorption promotes wound healing, reduces inflammation, and can even help combat certain types of infections.
HBOT is known to accelerate the healing process in both chronic and acute conditions, reduce inflammation, aid in recovery from injuries, enhance the immune response, and improve the quality of sleep.
Yes, HBOT is considered a safe treatment. Side effects are rare and typically mild, such as ear discomfort due to pressure changes. Some people may need to ask their doctor, but HBOT is safe for most people.
A typical session lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, during which you lie or sit in a pressurized chamber, breathing in 100% oxygen. You can relax, sleep, or listen to music during the treatment.
The number of sessions depends on the condition being treated and how a person responds to the therapy. For some conditions, ongoing treatment may be needed.
The design of modern HBOT chambers minimizes feelings of claustrophobia. Most are spacious and equipped with windows, allowing natural light to enter.
Our clients can also communicate with the therapy operator throughout the session.
You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing during your session. You can bring your phone, and catch up on that book you wanted to read; we even have others who love to come in and work on their laptop.
Pricing can vary greatly depending on your location, the type of services you offer, and the length of the sessions. However, a typical range might be from $100 to $250 per session. Our recommendation is to offer
lower prices to keep the chamber running through the day, and maximizing the value to your clients. We have a very good understanding on how to best price HBOT services and how to create a membership program to produce recurring income.
Our wellness centers have created over 36 memberships in 7 months. Clients love the way they feel using HBOT and they become addicted (in a good way) to come in regularly.
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